Mixcraft Pro Studio 7 Отличное решение для продвинутых домашних и профессиональных студий. Включает все, что есть в Mixcraft плюс дополнительно 27 профессиональных звуковых эффектов, 4 винтажных аналоговых и современных синтезатора, а также Pianissimo Virtual Grand Piano. Общая ценность эксклюзивных плагинов. Mixcraft Pro Studio 7 – это современное комплексное решение «всё в одном» для работы со звуком и создания музыки, предоставляющее потрясающие возможности для сведения и профессионального мастеринга, обладая при этом невероятно простым и удобным интерфейсом, в котором легко ориентироваться уже с первых минут использования.
Acoustica Mixcraft - Полная студия звукозаписи для записи и создания неограниченного количества аудио и MIDI дорожек. Включает десятки виртуальных инструментов и эффектов. Обладает простой навигацией и усовершенствованным интерфейсом. Передовые технологии Mixcraft позволяют использовать как 32-разрядные, так и 64-битные инструменты и эффекты одновременно. А еще проще теперь создавать в Mixcraft свои собственные бит, паттерны и партитуры в новом творческом пошаговом секвенсоре и мощном редакторе Piano Roll. Более того, Mixcraft 7 не только мощная рабочая станция по работе со звуком – это ещё и фантастический инструмент для озвучивания и редактирования видео.
Улучшенный интерфейс Mixcraft на русском языке.
Запись и создание неограниченного количества аудио и MIDI дорожек.
Полная 64 и 32-бит совместимость.
Поддержка мультиканальных VST и ReWire. Использование неограниченного числа аппаратных входов и выходов, растяжение времени и звуковысотное смещение.
Loops & Sound Effects
Микскрафт содержит 7000+ сэмплов и звуковых эффектов в виде удобной библиотеки, из которой с лёгкостью перетаскиваются в ваш проект. Наличие барабанов, баса, гитар, синтезаторов, органа, пианино, клавишных, вокала, оркестровых и перкуссиий для создания ваших собственных аранжировок. Лупы и сэмплы будут подогнаны автоматически под установленные вами настройки темпа и тональности.
Создание музыкиAcoustica Mixcraft - это мощная, но простая в использовании, многодорожечная цифровая звуковая рабочая станция (DAW), MIDI-секвенсор, хост для подключения виртуальных инструментов и нелинейный редактор видео.
Интуитивно понятный интерфейс поможет вам создавать собственные композиции уже с первых минут после запуска. А широкий функционал и возможности программы позволят добиться профессионального уровня.
With 5 additional virtual instruments and 27 additional effects, Mixcraft Pro Studio 7 features over $1100.00 worth of plug-ins - the complete package for "record-ready" productions with incredibly realistic instruments and superlative audio processing capabilities.
Stunning Synths
Mixcraft Pro Studio 7 adds painstakingly modeled virtual analog and digital professional synthesizers. Memorymoon is a spot-on recreation of the Moog Memorymoog's crushing analog fatness. ME80 Version 2 is a killer model of the classic Yamaha CS80 synthesizer, now with a gorgeous new user interface and a whole new sound engine. Glass Viper takes its inspiration from classic 80s and 90s digital synths and offers unique waveform shaping for a deep and natural sense of movement.
Peerless Piano
Pianissimo is an incredibly playable and realistic virtual piano. Combining 250 MB of high quality Steinway™ Model D piano samples with advanced physical modeling, Pianissimo recreates the warmth, response, and playability of a real grand piano. With modeled sympathetic resonance, incidental mechanical hammer sounds, remarkable tonal control and velocity response, 256 voices of polyphony, and incredibly low CPU usage, Pianissimo Virtual Piano lends an air of class and realism to any project.
Superior Mastering Tools
Your tracks will reach a new level of audio fidelity with an awesome array of mastering plug-ins. Add a professional sheen with iZotope Mastering Essentials suite. EQ to perfection with TB Parametric EQ or GSXL4070 Parametric, replicating the equalizer section of one of the world's most coveted mixing consoles. Impart analog tape compression and punch with Ferox Tape Emulator. Create bangin' dance remixes with SideKick6 Sidechaining Compressor.
Vacuum Tube Virtuosity
Who doesn't love the warm, smooth sound of tubes? Mixcraft Pro Studio 7 delivers a knockout punch of tube-modeled effects with the Pentode Audio Series featuring the VTC-1 Vacuum Tube Compressor, TRW-1 Vacuum Tube Triode Warmer, PSEQ-1 Vacuum Tube Passive EQ, and VBE-1 Vacuum Tube Bass Enhancer. Treblecream smoothes harsh high frequencies to perfection, while FAT+ combines analog warmth, vacuum-tube distortion, and tape saturation into a single effect for enormous-sounding tracks.
Новые плагиныJourneys – синтезатор с физическим моделированием звучания струнных.
Renegade – аналоговый монструозный синтезатор.
Alpha – простой семплер.
Omni – продвинутый семплер.
7.5 b287Windows XP patch - library and VST issues.
Could not run two instances of Mixcraft due to sysex flaw.
Library flaw could not load library files with a period (.) in them in the 7.5 update
Recording MIDI during count-in would lose a few notes 10% of time.
Windows 10 support for new low-latency Core Audio shared mode with compatible drivers.
Windows 10 support for multiple sample rates and bit depths with Core Audio.
Redesigned Core Audio preferences to be more useful, clearer.
Windows 10 support for highest-priority mixing for excellent stability.
We now support FLAC, including loading, mixing down to, and recording directly to FLAC!
Added support for many new MIDI button controllers, including Akai, DJ Techtools, Arturia, Novation,Berhinger, and Numark
New unique file naming technology, every new recording file has a unique ID.
Added a single Undo event for everything that occurs during a recording session.
Fixed issues with metering, including mixer meters and track meters not always being perfectly in sync.
Fixed problem with Track | Envelope | Boost/Reduce submenu
Fixed issues with width of ‘edit’ button in instrument dialog
Fixed piano roll issue that could cause notes to overlap and note endings to be missed as a result.
Fix for missing undo when changing volume via the master track fader.
Fix for minor issue with right-click menu for MIDI track effects on Midi Mapping dialog.
Modifying a marker no longer re-freezes a frozen track unless tempo or key changes.
Upgraded CD burning library.
Updated Hungarian text.
Added additional error messages if recording or arming a track fails.
Fixed rare issue using fade-in/fade-out feature on a selection that left extra point at start or end of clip.
Fixed rare issue copying and pasting clips where very start or end of envelope could be truncated.
Empty recording files caused by hitting stop before recording actually beings are now cleaned up.
Added support for Roland SYSTEM-1 VST
Fix for strange project that had twice as many instrument output tracks as expected causing a crash.
Removed excess log statements.
Fixed some less-typical MIDI focus inconsistencies.
Fix for inability to arm tracks when using ASIO
Fix for rendering distorted 24-bit FLAC files
Added preference in General dialog for notifying of new/removed devices
Fixed sometimes-blank default format selection for WaveRT Exclusive Mode
Fix for possibility of non-sounding adjacent notes when copying or previewing a MIDI clip
Fix for possibility of crash when dragging clips during merging.
Fix for clearing meters on MIDI output tracks when muting a MIDI track
Removed unique ID from name of Alpha & Omni samples
Minor volume tweaks to snare drum sample
Fix for rare fade in/out problem
Fix for piano roll shading issue
Added shortcuts in Program Files folder for resetting Mixcraft's audio prefs, resetting all prefs in case of emergency
When clip playback ends, we clear the last playing notes in the piano roll
Fixed problem in B281 with storing last used unique file ID number
Master bar & editor stop button is now always green
Fix for Open Containing Folder in library not working if there are commas (,) in the file name
Fix for home key not working in piano roll editor
Fix for FLAC save/load option not showing up in some languages
Help can now use the default PDF view in Windows 8 and above if no other is installed
Fixed missing undo in MIDI map dialog
We try not to crash if you delete audio files that are in use by Mixcraft
Fixed an undo/redo crash with certain imported library files
Fixed automation undo bug related to lanes
Plug-in collections are now saved as soon as dialog exits
Fixed glitches with Open Containing Folder button in audio properties
Sound Tab fixed, now shows last selected audio/midi clip even with multiple clips selected
Fixed issue with Master FX buttons not updating when deleting or undoing effects
Updated language translations
Fixed issue with FLAC recording quality preference not saving
Fixed support for Mackie Control loop/cycle button
Fixed issue with Performance Panel master stop button getting stuck flashing
Fixed an issue with certain VST dialog frames not repainting properly
Dragging multiple audio files into Mixcraft now aligns them vertically, instead of horizontally, unless you hold down the shift key.
Soloing performance panel after recording clips from PP exposes ‘ghost’ audio in project
Soloing performance panel mutes rewire tracks now
Fix for an arming related crash with ASIO when loading a project with armed track with tuner showing.
New ME80 v2.1 (32 and 64 bit) in Pro Studio
Fix for bad MIDI file with tempo of 0.
Preset arrow key selecting fixed
Dragging in clips that cause a tempo change will no longer appear offset due to the tempo change (From explorer)
Fix for video projects with image files that were small. Would not scale properly and in some scenarios. (Still images)
Fix for hardware (Control surface Mackie and Tranzport) where MIDI tracks would not light up properly on the device.
Added a couple of beta definitions (Launchpad MK2 and Pro, Launchkey MK2 ) beta
Fix for loading project with button controller showing tracks in wrong order on load.
Fixed problem with moving text clips while video preview window was open
If details tab is undocked and maximized, and we minimize and then restore Mixcraft, details tab now comes back maximized.
Colors are now working better for Ohm button controller
Fix for extra track getting added when dragging in audio files.
Системные требования1.5 GHz CPU, 1 GB Ram
(рекомендуется 2 GB или более)
Windows® 8, Windows® 7, Vista или XP
Звуковая карта, либо USB или Firewire звуковое устройство
Mixcraft Supports Multiple Languages:- English, German, Japanese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Danish, French, Spanish, Dutch, Italian, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese, Indonesian, Swedish, and Turkish
Windows XP, Vista, 7/8/10 x86/64
Acoustica Mixcraft 7.5 b287 163mbВнимание! У вас нет прав для просмотра скрытого текста.
Acoustica Mixcraft Pro Studio 7.5 b287 347mbВнимание! У вас нет прав для просмотра скрытого текста.